2020 Year-End Thoughts and Nov+Dec Recap
Brian Lee Brian Lee

2020 Year-End Thoughts and Nov+Dec Recap

I won’t be the first, or the last, person who will say that 2020 has been an absolutely amazing year to be a trader. Personally it has been a life-changing one, one which exceeded my expectations in every way.

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Trading Retrospective: Lone Wolf or Bro?
Brian Lee Brian Lee

Trading Retrospective: Lone Wolf or Bro?

Trading is seriously a lonely endeavor. Initially we wonder if joining something will improve our skills, then, I believe, the question becomes “how much of this is noise?”

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Key Lessons of 2019
Brian Lee Brian Lee

Key Lessons of 2019

I am 2 years into this trading journey and it’s very apparent to me that I have a long way to go. Nearly every time I had the best trading of my career, I’d get humbled by the market.

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The Journey (pt. 2)
Brian Lee Brian Lee

The Journey (pt. 2)

2018 was the year where I had finally found my footing in the market. After a year and a half of sacrifice, pain and stubbornness I felt my ambitions come to fruition.

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The Journey (pt. 1)
Brian Lee Brian Lee

The Journey (pt. 1)

Trading is a lot like being a professional gamer, though it’s a lot more legitimized these days, in the sense that almost NO ONE can relate to your passion nor do they understand what it really actually is to begin with.

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